Lourdes Matha Public School, Meenkulam is owned and managed by Lourdes Matha Church, Meenkulam, which is a Syro-Malabar Catholic Church under the Archdiocese of Changanassery. The vicar of the church Rev. Fr. Abby Mathew is the manager of the school.
Our Patron

Mar Joseph Perumthottam
Metropolitan, Changanassery Archdiocese
Our appreciation and gratitude to His Grace Mar Joseph Perumthottam, the Patron of our school. His vision and the direction are the support for the school. His motto is “In Spirit and in Truth”.

Mar Thomas Tharayil
Our Former Patrons

Late. His Grace Mar Mathew Kavukatt

Late. His Grace Cardinal Mar Antony Padiyara

His Grace Mar Joseph Powathil
Our Management

Our Former Managers

Rev.Fr. Jobin Thyparambil

Rev.Fr. Morley Kaithaparambil

Rev. Fr. Joseph Parassery

Rev. Fr. Philip Thayil

Rev. Fr. Sebastian Mannamthuruthil

Rev. Fr. Jose Parappally

Rev. Fr. Mathew Odalani

Rev. Fr. Joseph Vaniyapurackal

Rev. Fr. Joseph Chirkkadavil

Rev. Fr. Abraham Vettuvelil

Rev. Fr. Jose Chennattusery

Late Rev. Fr. Joseph Alummoottil

Rev. Fr. Chacko Valiyaveetil
1978- 1981
Our Beloved Former Principals
- Smt. Thresiamma Abraham 1977- 1981
- Smt. Gracykutty Eappen 1981- 1985
- Smt. Brijit Chacko 1985- 1986
- Smt. Alice C. C 1986- 1987
- Smt. Reethamma Simon 1987- 1989
- Smt. Latha C. J 1989- 1990
- Smt. Mariamma Raju 1990- 1994
- Smt. Mahima Koshy 1994- 1999
Our Beloved Former Administrators
- Rev. Sr. Mercy Maria A. S. M. I 1992- 1994
- Rev. Sr. Linta Jose A. S. M. I 1994- 1995
- Rev. Sr. Merlin A. S. M. I 1995- 1996
- Rev. Sr. Rositta A. S. M. I 1996- 1999
- Rev. Sr. Merlin A. S. M. I 1999- 2005
- Rev. Sr. Linta Jose A. S. M. I 2005- 2011